Tuesday, 28 February 2017


I have decided to work in a group with 2 other members in my class Kelsey & Fern, we have chosen to work as a group as we all have other commitments, so sharing tasks and taking on different rolls would make the process much more easier. As I do A level art I personally volunteered to take on this roll to create the story board for our film noir. Instead of using animation software I wanted to free hand draw each scene to make it look more realistic. This task was very In my comfort zone as im used to drawing all the time. I used movie maker to combine the transitions and to bind each scenes. Aswell as drawing the scenes I added music and special effects to really create the atmosphere we will want to create when creating the real product. overall am very pleased with pleased with the outcome of the story board as its clear to viewers about our storyline. 

1 comment:

  1. The Film noir storyboard you have created is a very good piece of work Sukhpreet but why is it here twice?
    There are not enough posts on your blog.
