Sunday, 30 April 2017

Actors and Characters for our Film Noir

Actors and Characters for our Film Noir
We have decided to use all three members in our piece and one in which is the main character/ the femme fatale. The actors and roles consist of: 

-  Fern Barlow - Femme Fatale (Ruby) 
- Jake Mansfield - Male detective (Clive)
- Kelsey Devereux - Head detective (Joules) 
- Sukhpreet Rayatt - Murder victim (Marianne)

I believe that by each of us having a role in the film noir piece it will ensure full involvement from all of the group, it will also make certain that its ALL group members participating in the work rather than just 1 or 2 and the other person dragging along for the credit. 

We decided that Fern would play the role of Ruby the femme fatale because of her hair as blonde hair is a common feature of film noir. We also decided that Fern  would play this role because Ruby and Clive fall in love and as Fern was the one to scout Jake to play the role of Clive we thought it would be more effective and realistic if she was to play the femme fatale. 

The next character to decide was Clive and for this we needed a male actor. Because all of the boys in the group and occupied with their own work we decided that we could maybe use someone from outside of school. The only issue that we encountered with this was that if we needed to film something on school grounds then it was a lot of paperwork just for Jake being in school for one hour also because he is 23 we would have to have a teacher supervising the filming. 

With Kelsey we discussed that she would be the Head detective who bosses Ruby and Clive around although this is a small role it is very vital for the smooth running of the film noir extract. And finally I wanted a small role were I  am only on screen for a few seconds perhaps so we therefore decided that she would play the murder victim Marianne. This role is also very important because it will make some of the scenes visually understandable and much more film noir like. 

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