This is a
classic film noir poster the main colours are black and white indicative of the
genre. The Title is large and bold with a character holding a gun aiming down
at the victim. The title and characters pose suggest killing someone to inflict
the perfect sleep. Notice the colour chosen for the main stars names is red
suggesting the title is lying in a pool of blood.
Along the
top is a review suggesting that this a wild film and uses the word crack suggesting
maybe the film is based around drugs and drug dealing.
The lower
fifth of the poster caries the mandatory film information listing the company
making the film, actors producers and directors as well as the trade marks. And
nowadays the internet address for future information.
Sukhpreet, your final film isn't on your blog, there is no film review and no evaluation questions either and so you miss out on at least 30 marks. Please put your film here otherwise you miss out on 70 marks out of 100.